The Intermission is Over. We’re back

All My Friends Are Insects HerpDerp The Diary of Lupin Pooter
We really own and use a heck of a lot of binder clips. That’s one of my biggest takeaways from the packing phase of our current, still-ongoing relocation. Also, I probably ought to use wingnuts as much as feasible for cobbling stuff together if there’s even a tiny chance that I’ll have to disassemble my Merzbau-style fabrications at a later date.

I watch the ripples change their size but never leave the stream

HerpDerp The Diary of Lupin Pooter We'll go much more a roving
Two short video clips taken from a balcony on a stormy day last week. This post’s title is a quote from the lyrics of the Bowie song Changes. Balcony view (downwards, floorwards) during a thunderstorm. Balcony view (downwards, floorwords) during a thunderstorm. Balcony view (outwards, seawards) during a thunderstorm. Balcony view (outwards, seawards) during a […]

Pink beams of light, at sunrise

HerpDerp Is that the way it is? Spitting Images The Diary of Lupin Pooter To see a world in a grain of sand
At approximately 5:38AM, dawn had taken the form of three wide pinkish beams of light. A photograph is worth a thousand words, but I’m not an especially skilled photographer and my attempts at capturing a sunrise or sunset, as it appears to my eyes, always seem to go awry and end up inadequate at best […]

Adding duration info to video filenames using Mediainfo and Powershell

Contrivances Mucking About With Things Powershell The Diary of Lupin Pooter
Animated GIF showing Windows Explorer and a terminal window and the command being used and a video filename being updated with its duration. First, here’s a one-liner you can employ on Windows to add duration information to video filenames. It uses Powershell and assumes you’ve installed the command line version of MediaInfo for Windows. The […]

Tin-can time capsule

HerpDerp Is that the way it is? Mucking About With Things The Diary of Lupin Pooter
Lid of the can of 2008-Olympics-themed band-aids. In the course of some tidying up, I happened upon this can of 2008-Olympics-themed Johnson & Johnson band-aids. They were manufactured in China but the labeling on the tin is Japanese. Front of the can of 2008-Olympics-themed band-aids. The can and all of the band-aids are adorned with […]

Some MTC nippers and Tsunoda pliers and their anti-counterfeiting stickers

The Diary of Lupin Pooter TØØLS
An old tool haul from a relatively unexpected source. Left to right: MTC-3 125mm Micro Diagonal Nippers with Spring, Tsunoda 125mm RP-125SC-S Long Nose PLA-iers (Resin Jaw Pliers) w/ spring, Tsunoda 120mm MR-120 Long Nose Pliers, Tsunoda 115mm MP-115 Side Cutting Pliers, and MTC-4 115mm Micro Plastic Nippers: Flat Blade. Doing a bit of poking […]

New vs. used T130-2.0SK ATTEN soldering iron tip

Bizznezz HerpDerp Is that the way it is? Mucking About With Things Sodding soldering The Diary of Lupin Pooter TØØLS
New-in-tube ATTEN T130-2.0SK soldering iron tip. This is a mostly-photos followup to , which concluded with some photos taken of a lightly used T130-2.0SK ATTEN soldering iron tip, described online as a knife tip. It gets inserted into a corded handle that, in turn, plugs into an ATTEN GT-series soldering station (such as the ATTEN […]

Fingertip Microscope iMicro Q3 (late-2023 Kickstarter project from Shanghai)

Is that the way it is? Mucking About With Things Sodding soldering Spitting Images The Diary of Lupin Pooter To see a world in a grain of sand
Phone-camera-microscope’s-eye view of the surface of the wrist wrest pad glued onto a computer keyboard. Phone-camera-microscope’s-eye view of the surface of the wrist wrest pad glued onto a computer keyboard. A 2023 Kickstarter project for a high-magnification mobile-phone-camera microscope that closed to new backers last December (iMicro Q3 – A Fingertip Microscope toward the Optical […]

Treated with LILs, NILs, ZOLEs

Grubbin' Is that the way it is? The Diary of Lupin Pooter
Empty bag of M&S Seedless Extra Large Oranges from Spain. Another post about oranges. Last time, . This time, we’re talking about a different cultivar, the Midknight Valencia Orange. The bag shown in the photo above originally contained four big oranges and was purchased at great cost (HK$ 65 or roughly US$ 8) from a […]

Cara Cara oranges: thinking about citrus fruit coatings
[and close-up images of their Sunkist-brand poly bag design]

Grubbin' Is that the way it is? Spitting Images The Diary of Lupin Pooter To see a world in a grain of sand
Clip-on phone camera microscope view of a section of orange-skin-pattern from the design printed on the bag of Cara Cara oranges Last month, we tried a type of orange that was new to us: Cara Cara. The origin of this orange cultivar is a fascinating story and the way that citrus farming works in general […]

More conical? Or more trumpet-shaped? Result inconclusive.

HerpDerp Is that the way it is? Mucking About With Things Sodding soldering The Diary of Lupin Pooter
Post-soldering, post-cleaning pic of the protoboard and rows of pin headers used in this little test, labeled with the solder wire used for two pairs of 2×4 pin header blocks: 8 pins soldered with no added flux and then 8 pins soldered with Chip Quick CQ4LF liquid flux, done for each alloy. I’m saddled with […]

Never forget that rubber bands eventually go bad.
AND, if you need less-ephemeral, non-messy rubber bands, use silicone rubber bands (FREE ADVICE #002).

Free Advice HerpDerp Is that the way it is? Mucking About With Things RECCIES The Diary of Lupin Pooter
Fragments of deteriorated rubber bands. At upper left: bits from rubber bands that were, IIRC, bluish-green originally. Or were they purple? They’re bluish-green now. At lower-right: parts of what were once white rubber bands. Rubber bands (here taken to mean solid, non-woven elastic rings) degrade. Whether they’re made from natural rubber or synthetic rubber (e.g. […]