I don’t always rack up 10k steps a day, but when I do…

HerpDerp The Diary of Lupin Pooter
Yes, the wording of this post is a hat tip to a meme: The Most Interesting Man in the World. I don’t always rack up 10k steps a day, but when I do… I remember that the ten-thousand-step goal is an arbitrary number and a relic of 1964 Tokyo Olympics hoopla.

The dishwasher-safe mug that wasn’t

HerpDerp The Diary of Lupin Pooter
For a cup or dish, a trip through the dishwasher probably represents an inanimate household object’s version of medieval trial by ordeal. A couple of years back, we bought a bunch of mugs and all but one have passed the dishwasher test with flying colors. The mug shown above, however, has been found wanting.

Wasp moths in love [Photo]

All My Friends Are Insects We'll go much more a roving
Two mating wasp moths. More (and, speaking candidly, better-quality) photos of the beasties, from other nature lovers, in a ten-plus-year-old thread at HKWildlife.Net: Erebidae, Arctiinae, Syntomini – Syntomoides imaon.

Maybe it’s “Democracy dies in the edits”: Does the The Washington Post have memory holes?

Is that the way it is?
Tonight, I planned to write something complimentary about The Washington Post. WaPo published a brief but excellent piece of investigative reporting by Peter Whoriskey (@PeterWhoriskey) on the organic dairy industry, specifically scrutinizing a company called Aurora Organic Dairy: Why your ‘organic’ milk may not be organic. Update: As of Monday, May 8th, the image in […]

Behold! The beekeeper’s secret lair! [Photo]

All My Friends Are Insects We'll go much more a roving
The hives of our friendly neighborhood beekeeper, whom we’ve never seen or heard tell of until stumbling onto his hives during a brief ramble around our hood.

What it looks like when the wheels fall off; Or, Where’s the good-journalism bot?

Is that the way it is?
A defunct Cooper Mini on the edge of a village in Hong Kong’s New Territories. The software tools mentioned in These are the bots powering Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post efforts to build a modern digital newspaper: Feels Bot Asks you to express your feelings about a news topic by selecting from a pre-chosen list of […]

Having a roam

The Diary of Lupin Pooter We'll go much more a roving
We went on a brief wander this afternoon, before looping back to do a bit of grocery shopping ahead of lunch.

Another interesting pattern

The Diary of Lupin Pooter To see a world in a grain of sand
That’s a photo of the stainless steel panel on the inside of the lid of our water boiler/warmer.

Nope. Not an image taken of another world from orbit.

The Diary of Lupin Pooter To see a world in a grain of sand
So what is it?

Fixing ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_sqlite3'

mod_wsgi Python Sysadminning
Today, I set up Flaskr (GitHub repository), one of the Flask demo apps, so that I could poke around Flask a bit. The only real speed bump was a ModuleNotFoundError for _sqlite3: Note that, to make the above lines from my flaskr error log more readable, I’ve removed the timestamps, process IDs, and requesting IP […]

Changing your default Python install: one tiny wrinkle that shouldn’t have tripped me up

HerpDerp Mucking About With Things Python Sysadminning
So you’ve installed a later and greater version of Python (Python 3.6.1 in my case) in /usr/local/bin and would like it to be used instead of your server’s default (and presumably older) python version when you type python at the shell prompt after logging in? The solution is widely documented. Add the following to the […]

How I got Python 3.6.1 and WSGI working on CentOS 7.3

HerpDerp mod_wsgi Mucking About With Things Python
I set out to get WSGI going, with Python 3.x, on my CentOS 7.3 VPS. Initially, I began by trying to follow the path laid out in a 2011 blog post (Building mod_wsgi with EasyApache for WHM/cPanel) but with current equivalents of Python and mod_wsgi. That’s a very lucidly written article and it’s apparent from […]