If there’s a one-step means of notifying Nightingale or Songbird that all of your media files have moved to a different location via the music players’ UIs, I didn’t see it, so I solved my problem with a short (~150-line) Python script [Python 3.6 (Windows, 64-bit)] that, with input via a few prompts, connects to […]

The two sponges, side by side: cheap third-party sponge on the left and official Hakko-supplied sponge on the right. I’m still using the same cellulose tip-cleaning sponge included as an accessory with my Hakko FX-888D but I’ve been soldering more frequently in recent months and anticipate doing even more in the near future. When is […]

The patterns for the letters I wanted to cut from the meter-square sheet of yellow astroturf. When I spotted meter-square sheets of cheap astroturf on sale and saw that it was available in bright yellow, it occurred to me that oversized letters cut out of the stuff and turned into fridge magnets might look neat. […]

Handheld-magnifier view of the BMP280 barometric pressure sensor on my CCS811 sensor breakout board. A sensor breakout board which I recently purchased features a CCS811 sensor (designed to detect and quantify ambient indoor levels of VOCs) and, to supply the data needed to correct its readings, two additional sensors: a SI7021 (relative humidity and temperature) […]

Google Translate gives Spot as the meaning of 现货, but it actually means in stock merchandise. I was asking whether they could fill an order for a list of specific items and they were answering in the affirmative. Squeaking by on a good-enough level of communication with Taobao sellers via Google Translate and a text […]

See anything interesting in this photo? Neither of us did at first, either, when we were having a gander at the original scene a few months back, but I paused our walk for a moment, to her minor exasperation, to give the spot a quick once-over. Here’s a closeup. That vase-like object is a potter […]

INVENSENSE MPU-6050 [D4H592LAT EL 1539 E]: snapshot taken with a Canon G7X through a handheld 40x magnifying glass because they were good enough for my purposes and the scopes are all packed away at the moment.

Child’s copy book lost or abandoned to the elements on the pavement. A gelatinous mass on the rain-pitted sand of our local beach. The leaf in the background can provide a notion of the scale of the thing. A dead fish being surveyed by a green bottle fly and, at right, a cuttlebone.

Here, the Moon is hovering just above a layer of clouds. A short while later and Moon has descended slightly, placing it beneath one tier of cloud cover. Gorgeous, isn’t it? One of the perks of waking at zero dark thirty is getting to see the sun rise.

Sunset snapshots
Clouds scraping the hilltops. A black cloud hovers over an antenna (?) of some sort.

How long did it take you to spot the rainbow? The rainbow faded from one second to the next and, even at the moment I took the above photo, S. had to point it out to me. The fainter second rainbow, above and to the left of the first, only became apparent when I opened […]

Is the piece of headgear depicted in these stickers a wizard hat or a sleeping cap? With no way of knowing with any certainty, I’m nevertheless rooting for the former. These stickers featuring Doraemon wearing a star-studded sleeping cap or wizard hat called to me when I saw ’em on Taobao. Related: Does Doraemon really […]