Interesting living (and formerly living) things … at the beach a couple of weeks ago
Better late than never is the principle at work here. I processed these images weeks ago but didn’t get around to posting them. Though I haven’t actually nailed down the identity of any of them, in some cases, I have a guess or two.

There’s a lot going on here on this rock. The finger-shaped things, some yellow and some purple, interested me most and I had foolishly thought they might be some sort of alga but a bit of last-minute searching has yielded the truth. They’re egg capsules for predatory sea snails of the family Muricidae.

The photo above is of a sea anemone (no clue as to species) and it was able to retract completely into the sediment. Next up, some seagrass, mostly barely covered by the water at low tide:

Pieces of discarded footwear were so ubiquitous on this beach that, at first, I mistook the beastie below for sneaker sole or a sandal facing sole-upwards. It was foot-sized, but I think it may have been a sea slug.

On the way home from the beach, I passed stands of very attractive wildflowers bobbing in the gusting, departing-typhoon winds. The most similar-looking plant that I can find online is Hippocrepis emerus, a legume/pea/bean (which fits with the plant’s highly-visible pods), but that ID seems unlikely given what Wikipedia says about its range. Of course, the photos online of H. emerus aren’t really identical to the plant in this photo: