Yesterday, I encountered an odd issue where ScreenToGif seemed unable to use its own bundled or downloaded-at-install-time version of gifski (gifski.dll).
One of a few snapshots I took of the same soldered pins, in between twiddling the focus height adjustment on a microscope. In this first of three images, the uppermost bits of the pins are the most in-focus features. This and the next two photos are taken of a small region on the prototype board […]
Much like Time for the Stars‘s Pat Bartlett (the Bartlett who stayed on Earth), one of two identical pairs of Nike Air Max Deluxe Pure Platinums (product SKU: AV2589-100), purchased with some difficulty back in the Fall of 2018, recently arrived at the end of its useful lifetime and has exited our household.
Yep, like it says in the title, I’m moderately chuffed (i.e. UK/Commonwealth lingo approximately corresponding to pleased or enthused) about having acquired some Stanley FATMAX tungsten carbide utility-knife aka box-cutter blades. Tungsten carbide box-cutter blades aren’t new. For all I know, you bown-bag your lunch five days a week and, Monday through Friday, you’re daintily […]
As we were navigating through one tiny swath of this the vibrant, bustling, effervescent, etc. urban milieu yesterday, something in my peripheral vision struck me as potentially interesting. Down an alley to our right, I spotted a box bolted to the pavement, a tall mast, and a couple of cameras aimed parallel to the alleyway […]
Yesterday, while picking up some necessities (coffee beans) in a local supermarket, I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to pick up some overpriced ground beef and some other items to soup up the regular tomato-based sauce for the leftovers from the Italian sausage I’d cooked the night before. Delicious beef, sporadically available as an increasingly infrequent […]
Last time, I mentioned that our older ceramic knives’ plastic handles had developed cracks and propounded my hypothesis that the cracking was a consequence of the blade material and the handle material having different coefficients of linear thermal expansion and my having, in the past, run them through our dishwasher periodically.
Remember… free advice is worth every cent you’ve paid for it. Rule of thumb: If it’s not all-metal (e.g. a plain stainless steel saucepan) or all-ceramic (e.g. an unadorned coffee mug) or a solid lump of plastic like a one-piece, you perhaps ought to hand-wash it. Dishwasher detergents are less sudsy but significantly more chemically […]
Today’s post: two short clips of the changing condensation patterns on the inner surface of the glass lid of a stockpot, filmed consecutively while I was hard-boiling a couple of dozen eggs at some point in the past few days. The videos are set to loop and are muted by default but the audio is […]
We’re living through interesting times. A relatively minor subplot of the whole shebang is the sclerotization and crumbling-at-the-margins of Web 2.0 behemoths like Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Apple (as well as their co-dependent, co-evolved big-tech-company symbiotes). At this point, the deterioration is undeniable and slightly painful to those who interacted much with the same […]
Old-ish photo today, from a small project that entailed countersinking thin, flat fastener heads in fiberboard and in thick, fabric-reinforced synthetic rubber. A couple of Forstner bits, below samples of their respective target materials, with (middle) spiral bits of swarf produced during drilling. Before drilling the through-holes for the fasteners’ shafts, I used Forstner bits […]
You can’t really have too many of certain basic tools or or too much of certain consumables. In our household, it’s stuff like scissors and box cutters, tape (e.g. masking tape, strapping/packaging tape, and regular transparent Scotch Tape [UK equivalent: Sellotape]), rulers and measuring tapes, mechanical pencils and pens and markers, rubber bands, and zip […]