Have you ever listened to a long interview or podcast or a nice, long vlog and then, just a couple of days later, when you got the itch to look up something like a book or a song you heard them mention found that you just couldn’t quite remember the title or the name of […]
Category: Metagrobolized
Above: On this t-shirt, My Neighbor Totoro meets Bioshock and Satsuki becomes a Little Sister standing beside a Big Daddy rather than Totoro. While I have watched Totoro, I hung up my spurs after finishing Super Mario Bros. 3 and haven’t gamed on anything newer than a Super Nintendo system. That being said, never having […]
Tab sweep numero uno
FRICTION A blog post about how Harry Potter sustained the author during America’s immediate post-911 mass-psychological dark mood titled The Importance of Fiction. A good read. My mind initially saw, instead, the title The Importance of Friction. On Hackaday, Jenny List asks Whatever Happened To The Paper Mobile Phone? A Lemelson-MIT Program profile of Randice-Lisa […]