Bedhead systems

emergency-pullknob with its own reset button above it.
I’ve spent a couple of days in and out of Hong Kong’s Prince of Wales Hospital, not ill myself, but advocating for and looking after a loved one.
All institutions tend to gradually stray from their original missions via seemingly aimless drift, through intentional retargeting by those in positions of authority, or by a combination of the two. Viewed in this light, the apparent ongoing transformation of Hong Kong’s public hospitals into a two-tier system that seems to handle the general public at a glacial pace and with onerous hurdles designed to provide excuses to further delay necessary treatment but which simultaneously caters to and expedites care for civil servants and police officers and their families isn’t particularly shocking. Fortunately, the process hasn’t run to completion yet and enough lip service is still paid to the organization’s original mission that determined individuals can sometimes, through dint of sheer will and forcefulness of personality, succeed in getting things to work mostly as they are ostensibly supposed to work. And that’s all I have to say about that.

The walls of the wards in the hospital are lined with repeating sets of controls and outlets. I’ve since learned that they’re known as bed head
or bedhead
systems. The patient was moved from one ward to another during their stay and these images are ones I took with my mobile phone of the wall in the first, less crowded, less dingy, and more recently constructed unit.