Taking a second look at that sunflower
First, for the sake of comparison, here’s what the edge of one of the green bracts ringing the back of the sunflower’s head looked like through my 60x-100x-magnification clip-on microscope:
Now here are two bract-edge photos taken with my 200x-500x USB scope (it’s a Measurement eScope DP-M07) at 500x magnification:
I didn’t get around to looking at the bract surface farther from the edge with the clip-on microscope, but here’s a photo taken with the USB microscope:
As for the immature disk florets that comprise the sunflower’s center, below is one of the clip-on scope photos which I’ve already posted. It’s followed by one of the higher-magnification images taken using the 200x-500x-magnification USB scope:
Under the illumination of the clip-on scope’s single LED, they were shiny and black. They’re still shiny when seen through the USB microscope but seem pinkish beneath the glare of its ring of eight LEDs.