100-year-old people are much more common than 4-year-old mice.

Spitting Images The Diary of Lupin Pooter
Smushing together multiple poorly-executed nighttime photographs.

The title of this post is taken from a statement made by Dr. Richard Miller, professor of pathology in the Geriatrics Center of the Medical School, as quoted in an April 2004 U. Mich. press release (World’s oldest mouse reaches milestone birthday, via this Reddit thread).

One of the Reddit posters found Yoda the mouse’s obituary: Yoda, gen-mod mouse, dies after living equivalent of 100+ human years. From that article, which includes a photo of the elderly mouse’s mate, Princess Leia, one learns that Yoda expired a few days after the timestamp (April 19th, 2004) embedded in the university announcement’s URL. One presumes, given that a dozen years have since passed, that Leia has joined her hubby in eternal repose.

For the image accompanying this post, I smushed together several poorly-taken nighttime photos to yield the visual arts equivalent of pickle-and-pimento loaf. It has a certain something, no?

Currently working on: writing JavaScript to populate Adobe InDesign templates with text from XML files. It’s even more fun than it sounds.